Thursday 12 March 2015

New Bills in Mississippi Senate Call For Insurance Coverage for Autism

New Bills in Mississippi Senate Call For Insurance Coverage for Autism

Mississippi Senate Bills Will Require Insurers to Offer Coverage for Autism Treatment

It is a challenge to be born with autism. For parents of children affected by autism, the situation is also a challenge. It can become an almost-insurmountable challenge when the parents' insurance provider does not cover autism treatment. Most U.S. states have already put guidelines into law that require health insurance companies to provide some coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism.

Health Coverage for Autism Treatment Varies in Each State

These laws, however, vary, depending on the state. Some states cap the amount that can be spent in a single child per year or for a lifetime. Some states provide more money for treating younger children than older ones. Others require that a child be diagnosed by the time he reaches eight years of age for autism coverage. As one can easily see, many of these state laws could use some improvement. The hardest battle, though, is in contending with states in which there is no coverage required for children with autism.

Mississippi, unfortunately, is such a state. There is, however, a glimmer of hope. In Mississippi, there have been two bills introduced that would require Mississippi's health insurance providers to cover autism screenings, diagnoses, and treatment for children affected by autism until the child reaches the age of 21.

The Current Drive for Mississippi to Pass Autism Treatment Coverage

Although Mississippi lawmakers have voted on similar bills, they have failed to pass any of them. This time, however, the state's autism community may have a better chance for the state to pass a mandate for insurers to cover autism screening procedures, diagnosis, and treatment. Mississippi's secretary of state, Delbert Hosemann, has a three-year-old grandson who has autism. His personal experience with autism may help convince his colleagues of the need for effective treatment of the condition.

Moreover, this year, more advocacy organizations in the autism community have become more involved in the struggle. Autism Speaks and other organizations have been outspoken in their support for these bills. In a state that has an estimated 10,000 children who have autism, this combined effort is much-needed.

If these bills pass, the state will require companies that provide health insurance to cover screenings, diagnoses, and treatment for children affected with autism until they reach the age of 21. If passed, the new law will cover all of the types of care proven to help children with autism. In addition to pharmaceutical care, psychiatric and psychological care will be covered. As many as 25 hours of Applied Behavior Analysis, a well-documented and effective treatment method that has been proven to help children with autism become successful in adulthood, will also be covered.

The bills will create an oversight process to help children with autism receive quality care. A state autism board will be created to issue and revoke licenses for Applied Behavior Analysis practitioners. They will also regulate the licensing of autism treatment professionals, as well as checking for any violations.

Without Insurance Coverage, Getting Help with Autism is Difficult

Without insurance, caring for a child with autism is a difficult road to travel. Parents have gone to extreme lengths to obtain needed treatment. Working extra jobs may keep parents from having needed down time or family time, but the need for treatment is so great that parents are willing to do whatever it takes to get their children the help they need.

Insurance Coverage for Autism is a Long-Term Investment in Mississippi's Future

Some lawmakers in Mississippi may worry about the cost of autism coverage for the state's children. This short-sighted thinking neglects to take into consideration the long-term financial advantage of providing autism coverage. According to a 2007 study conducted in the nearby state of Texas, early behavioral treatment for autism can save $208,500 for each child during 18 years of education. University of Southern Mississippi assistant professor Dr. Keith Radley brought the Texas study to the attention of frugal Mississippians, in the hope that they would take a long-term approach to the financial advantages of passing the bills.

Even the most conservative estimates find that there are at least 4,500 children with autism spectrum disorder in the state. With only that number of children involved, the state could realize a savings of $935 million just by passing the bill to mandate insurance coverage for early behavioral interventions. These numbers do not come from autism advocates, but rather from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA).

More importantly, treatment can make a positive impact upon the state's children who are affected with autism. With this help, they can realize their great potential, enroll in universities and vocational schools, and contribute to the great pool of talent in America's workforce.

Reaching Milestones is one of the leading providers of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in Jacksonville. A privately owned organization, Reaching Milestones is dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities by providing highly-effective, research-based behavioral interventions.

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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Online Criminal Justice Degree - Perfect For Busy People

Online Criminal Justice Degree - Perfect For Busy People

More and more people want to be part of public service especially in the name of justice. Criminal justice degrees are much in demand at the present time. However, usual constraints for one to get a degree would be time and financial resources. But thanks to the internet, the online degree is the best ticket to that career.

Among the best solutions for those who would want to study but can't afford spare time is simply to go for distance learning via online degrees. For those interested, there is now the online criminal justice degree. The said program allows students to finish the degree even if they are preoccupied with their busy working schedules and active lives that prevent them from obtaining a traditional campus based education.

Having a criminal justice degree can lead to a wide array of carer options such as; legal assistant, jail administration, court officer and paralegal. So with an online degree, it is now easier to make that career leap.

Online education is not solely for criminal justice degrees, but there is a wide variety of degree programs made available for any interested students. Such programs include certificate and associates degrees up to doctoral degrees through distance education.

And of course having such a degree can look forward to a rewarding career and salaries that may vary greatly, depending on what job title or position you have. As we all know not all job positions carry a high paying salary, but some are the highest paying salaries in the nation. Salaries are ranging from the basic of $34,900 up to the highest of $175,000.

This online education is worth the time of every busy person wanting to learn or earn a degree on criminal justice. The online education also gives them options on which degree they are going to focus on that will allow them to have the salary bracket that they want.

Busy individuals can work and study at the same time. And not to mention, keeping up with demands and even maintain an active and healthy social life and family life as well. They can at the same earn their degree from an accredited school and working their way towards a career that they always wanted. Not only that, criminal justice degrees are relatively much more affordable online compared to going to regular schools. That is one major advantage of an online criminal justice degree.

Getting your degree is now made easier thanks to the means paved by the internet. An online criminal justice degree is your ticket to pursue a career in the field. Not only does it allow you to manage your time, but it is much more affordable than the traditional way of schooling.

In this economy, possessing a criminal justice degree can get you ahead of your competitors. Plenty of additional degrees, like a paralegal degree, are available for low prices and more flexibility of schedule.

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Monday 9 March 2015

What Are The Benefits of Assuming a Mortgage?

What Are The Benefits of Assuming a Mortgage?

An assumable mortgage is a loan that can be transferred to another party that would take over the responsibility for making the mortgage payments. The servicing lender would transfer the existing mortgage from the current liable party to a new party. Simply put, a buyer takes over the mortgage payment obligation and liability from the existing seller. After the mortgage has been transferred to the new buyer, the mortgage service should mail a letter stating the original mortgagee of the property has been released of any liability, and that he/she is no longer responsible for the mortgage on said property. The mortgage's current rate, term, and balance are then the responsibility of the buyer of the property. If the property is sold for more than the current mortgaged amount, the buyer would have to obtain alternative financing or pay cash for the difference in the sales price. The buyer will also have to meet certain qualifications, standards, and will likely have to pay bank and title fees.

There are two types of mortgage assumptions. A simple assumption is the transfer of the liability between the seller and the buyer without the lender's approval. Using this option, the seller still has liability until the mortgage is paid in full. If the buyer fails to make timely payments and the property goes into foreclosure, the seller may be held responsible. An assumption by novation is where the buyer of the property receives approval from the servicing lender. This typically involves an application and acceptable documentation from the borrower. The seller is then typically released from all future liability and responsibility of the mortgage.

There are only certain mortgages that can be assumed. Typically, conventional mortgages are not eligible; mortgages secured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) usually are. Both FHA and VA mortgages, have standard requirements that a buyer must meet to determine if they are eligible to take over the mortgage. There are many benefits to assuming a mortgage. Interest rates and lower costs may be more attractive to certain buyers. Fees are typically much lower than the cost of obtaining a new mortgage, and appraisals are not required. This may also eliminate any repair requirements.

Why would somebody want to take over a mortgage? The main reason a buyer would want to keep the current mortgage lien on a property, rather than obtain a new mortgage would be the interest rate. If the interest rate on the current loan is much lower than the buyer could obtain, assuming the current mortgage may be a better financial decision. However, the downside may be that the new borrower would have to pay the difference between the current mortgaged amount and the price they are paying for the property.

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Saturday 7 March 2015

Are You Eligible For a Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan?

Are You Eligible For a Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan?

The US Small Business Administration is devoted to helping startups succeed by assisting with funding. Entrepreneurs should be aware of this opportunity and whether or not they are eligible for the loans the SBA provides.

As a result of the tremendous variety of loans offered by the Small Business Administration, the different eligibility requirements are too numerous and too detailed to list here. But there are some broad requirements that most or all potential debtors must meet to receive this type of funding. All businesses must be operated on United States soil, and certain types of industries are forbidden from receiving funding. Gambling, pyramid schemes, investing/speculating, lending or debt securitization, and all illegal activities are forbidden. Additionally, nonprofits and religious organizations do not qualify. Additionally, the SBA generally requires that the potential debtor already be personally invested in the business from a financial perspective-they usually expect a one-fourth contribution of owner's equity.

There are other requirements that vary from loan to loan or industry to industry-the SBA has standards for what size (in terms of employees and revenues) qualifies as a small business. The SBA also has requirements for the proposed use of funds. For example, the 7(a) Term Loan can be used for a great variety of purposes, ranging from supplementing working capital to refinancing other debt. The CDC/504 Term Loan, on the other hand, is used specifically toward heavy asset purchases.

The Small Business Administration's newest loan incarnation is the ARC loan, short for America's Recovery Capital. This type of loan came about in response to the economic crisis, and its eligibility requirements reflect its purpose. Businesses seeking an ARC loan must:

(a) have been profitable or cashflow-positive in the past two years
(b) currently be experiencing difficulty meeting short-term financial needs, and have proof, and
(c) not have any existing SBA loans.

Eligibility details vary from loan to loan and industry to industry.

Growthink recently released a report for entrepreneurs entitled "The Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capital from Banks and SBA Lenders." For more information on how to get an SBA loan, visit

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Friday 6 March 2015

California Mesothelioma Lawyer & Mesothelioma Attorney Facts

California Mesothelioma Lawyer & Mesothelioma Attorney Facts

Mesothelioma is a devastating form of cancer, but also rather uncommon. This disease stems from the inhalation or ingestion of asbestos particles. These particles can pierce the lungs, intestines and even heart. Particularly these particles irate the mesothelium, a protective sack that secrets fluids allowing organs to move properly. In addition, the mesothelium can develop cancerous tumors which can essentially spread throughout the body. Most people diagnosed with mesothelioma only live for around five years after the condition develops.

Mesothelioma primarily affects three organs of the body. Affected areas include the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract and the heart. The most common form of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. The second most common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma which destroys the stomach & intestines. The rarest form of mesothelioma is called pericardial mesothelioma, which attacks the membrane lubricates in the heart during circulation.

There is currently no cure for mesothelioma, but victims of this terrible disease still have many options available for support. In addition to support from family & friends, it is also important to get legal support. Mesothelioma victims have many legal options to explore and it is very important that you contact a qualified mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible.

To learn more about California mesothelioma diagnosis, specifically Los Angeles mesothelioma and Orange County mesothelioma, please visit our website at This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Sell Annuity Payments - Get Cash For Annuity Payment

Sell Annuity Payments - Get Cash For Annuity Payment

What are Annuities?

An annuity is an investment product that can be tax deferred and is sold by insurance companies. For people wanting a secure future an annuity is a very good choice as an investment. The more common retirement plans such as the 401(k) and Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) while most widely used do in fact have some limitations with regard to an income ceiling, limitations on contributions and on withdrawals.

In comparison an annuity does not limit the amount of contributions you are able invest. There is not an income limitations nor is there compulsory withdrawals. An annuity is preferable therefore for someone who although contributing to their usual retirement plan are still looking for a regular periodic payment whether fixed or variable. A deferred annuity, which gives a constant flow of payments during retirement has proven to be the most desirable annuity.

Why Sell Annuity Payments?

The annuities you can sell may have been purchased by you or inherited from a family member. You may want some lump sum cash from a structured settlement from a personal injury case or other lawsuit such as medical malpractice. The reason for wanting to sell your annuity may be nothing more than the need for some immediate cash. Maybe you want to buy a new house, start a business or pay for the education of your children. Because of the deferral of taxes on annuities one might sell some or all of their annuities to avoid being placed in a higher tax bracket upon retirement. The lump sum cash for annuity payment option needs to be considered carefully.

How beneficial are annuities

An annuity should really be held for many years to get the most out of this type of investment. Buying an annuity a couple of years before retirement is not such a good investment and the benefits do not really outweigh the costs. Therefore one might consider selling their annuity and invest in products that produce a higher yield or return on their investment. People holding variable annuities may be wiser spending time managing investments in securities to gain a better return on their investment. The reason for this is that variable annuities do not guarantee a fixed stream of payment like fixed annuities do. The payments you'll get from this type of investment will be based on your ability to assemble a good portfolio of securities.

So How do you sell your annuity?

Well first of all establish the value of the annuity. Figure out the discounted value of the annuity's future cash flow in order to determine it's current value. This ought to be the price that you get when you sell your annuity. If the market price of your annuity is less than it's current value then you should not sell the annuity. Instead hold on to it until the market value is at a point where selling makes financial sense.

Decide whether to sell all or part of your annuity. A nice benefit that a secondary market for annuities has to offer is the opportunity to sell a part of your annuity payment and hold on to the remainder. As an example you could sell 1/3rd of your regular monthly annuity payment for certain number of years and get a lump sum amount while still getting your other 2/3rds every month.

Cash for annuity payment, finding the buyer

An established structured settlement company can figure out the value of your annuity. They will also lead you through the steps and documents needed to proceed to sell your annuity payments. These documents will include the annuity policy itself, copies of the annuity checks you have received, tax returns and various other documents. While there is obviously a fee for this service it will speed the process up and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money.

If you find you cannot sell your annuity for the price you want, think about swapping your annuity payments for a more agreeable annuity. As an example you could swap your variable annuity payments for fixed payments using an annuity swap. It might also be possible for you to use your annuity as collateral for a loan if you are in need of some cash but is can't sell annuity payments for a decent price.

For more information regarding structured settlements and annuities visit

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Sunday 1 March 2015

An Introduction To Sell Structured Settlements

An Introduction To Sell Structured Settlements

If you are a personal injury claimant, you may have received structured settlements as a result of an injury or accident. Structured settlements are series of guaranteed payments or annuities that are made over certain duration to help you cover present and future expenses.

Unfortunately, with the soaring prices of commodities and other things, the amount you received from these payments are not enough to cover huge unexpected expenses. In this situation, when you need additional cash, you might consider selling structured settlements, either a portion of it or all of the remaining structured settlement payments.

Selling structured settlements is considered legal in all states. But before you can sell, you should have court approval. You can consult a professional that will help you analyze and determine how many of these payments you should sell based on your needs. Next, you can start applying online and wait for a structured settlement expert to contact you. This person will give you an estimate of the amount that you can receive, if you choose any of these selling options -- full amount, part of the payments or percentages.

The advantage of selling structured settlements is that you can receive a lump sum of cash that you can use to start a business, college education or immediate medical expenses. This is the best solution if you are really in need of cash for an immediate expense.

However, the disadvantage is that you may come across shady brokers who might take advantage of the situation. Since you need a broker to help you sell, you might deal with a broker who claims to be a qualified, only to find out later otherwise. Make sure that you deal with one who has years of experience in selling structured settlements.

Selling structured settlements can have benefits and pitfalls. That is why you must first consider if it is important to sacrifice the payments for a lump sum of money. Before you make a decision, see to it that you understand the advantage and disadvantage of such an action, as well as its implications.

Sell Structured Settlements [] provides detailed information on Sell Structured Settlements, Sell Structured Insurance Settlements, Sell Structured Settlement Payments, Sell Structured Settlement Companies and more. Sell Structured Settlements is affiliated with Structured Settlement Brokers [].

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